Cubic Jail

The prison is a community built project designed by me with many of my friends from the game involved. It is the official "banned player's" jail, which means that if a player gets banned by an admin or a moderator (when we will get some), he will not be able to go around the world for the duration of his sentence. Therefore he will be forced to rot in the prison till it ends.

Hall of fame -

Most dedicated builders - Rolim, BassFromHell, 20thRainyDay, Surfer, CubeBoy, Hitman-ps.

Rest of the builders - Abod, Mabz, Vincent, Greymalke, Sam.

The entry to the realm is at the Ministry Of Defence until it gets converted into a deed and placed in the overworld.

The project was carried out with detailed plans that allowed the players to unite and not make any mistakes in the process.

Various screenshots of the prison (Click to zoom in) -

 And now for the worst criminal of all... SirKewberth rotting in the cell! -