Hidden Options

Apart from the standard game options and functions, the developers included three additional tools under the F1, F2 and F4 buttons.

The F1 button when held, always shows an edge of the realm you are in without actually being there, like shown on the screen (Click to zoom in) -

Holding the F2 button causes the UI to disappear which may be useful when taking screens or reducing the amount of stuff on the screen to look for something in a realm. - 

Last one is the F4 button which is (in my opinion) the most important one from these three. When held, it shows the whole structure mapping of the realm with which the player can see through walls. It can be used to for example spot dropped items under the ground or make a maze easier to get through. - 

Of course remember to leave any items you will find and manage to pick up while pressing the F4 button in realms that do not belong to you as this would go against the game guidelines.